Friends…Teensey the donkey jennet and Puddin the filly. Both Miniature
Friends…Teensey the donkey jennet and Puddin the filly. Both Miniature
Goldie, Miniature Donkey Jennet by Bravo.
Lewis Mill Ranch is just beginning to see Christmas season around the corner. This is a very exciting time. Birthing time is for new little one to imprint, love and cuddle. We are pre-selling this year due to the demand for our babies. We devote 18 months to the process of getting a new baby. … Read more »
Izzy is a cute gray and white mini jennet foal. She is a fuzzy bundle at the present time. “Cute as pie” would describe Izzy. Her dam is only 27 inches and sire is the same. She is half sister to our Teensey from same Dam. Goldie is from another tiny pair of parents, Bit… Read more »
Mollie is a beautiful solid black little mini donkey jennet. She is from the well known bloodline of our former stud, G A Lonestar Houston, The Black producer. Mollie has a sweet personality. Before she was 18 hours old she was running around her Dam (mama) with cute little butt popping up in the air. … Read more »
DOB: 07-03-2008 COLOR: BLACK AND WHITE Mary is a well built jennet with excellent BLACK BLOODLINES. She produces well built foals too. Sire: Dewey Meadows Primo dark (blk)/white 32.0″ (also Sire to Prime Time Blk/wht 30.50″) Dam: Allen’s Acre’s Sweet Black Cherrie, black 34″
Miniature Donkey, adult jennet DOB: 03/07/2010 LEWIS MILL’S BANDITO DUMPLING. Sometimes the name says it all as it does in this case. A jennet so sweet and good could only be called “Dumpling”. She does her part to let you know that she is a people lover. Confirmation is due to the fact that her… Read more »
Miniature Donkey, Small Adult Jennet DOB: 10/02/2010 LEWIS MILL’S TEENSEY Teensey is a small jennet. Her bloodlines bear out her small confirmation. Her Dam, Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Lil Annie’s foals have always been very small. ie: Justa Smidgin; Justa Pinch and now Teensey. DOB:10/02/2010 COLOR: Gray/Brown click to enlarge SIRE: Triple G Casino, Brown,… Read more »